
The Ancient Art of Salt Making Reborn on the Shores of Skye

The tang of salt air, the call of seabirds, the rhythmic lap of waves on weathered rocks. This is the Isle of Skye, where land and sea meet in a timeless dance.

For centuries, Skye's locals have harvested the bounty of the surrounding seas. And now, we humbly carry on that tradition by handcrafting gourmet salt from these very same waters.

As described in the illuminating new book Salt: Scotland's Newest Oldest Industry, written by Joanna Hambly & Chris A. Whatley, salt making runs deep in the Highlands' history. After lying dormant for centuries, the founders of our company revived Skye's legacy of salt making and made it fully sustainable.

The process is simple: we carefully gather pristine seawater only at the highest tides, when it brims with minerals. Then, we channel it into our solar-heated ponds, open to the bracing island winds. Over long summer days, the nurturing sun and sea breezes work their magic, slowly revealing intricate salt crystals that capture the essence of this wild place.

The result is a rare celtic sea salt made only with the Sea, the Sun and the Wind. It has a unique flavour that has won numerous awards. Our commitment to sustainability runs as deep as the taste. We are devoted to sustainability, treasuring our small corner of Skye's landscape and seascape.

This island nurtured generations before us. Now, with our sun-kissed salt, we hope to share a morsel of Skye's wild spirit with salt lovers near and far. We invite you to experience Skye through our perfect salt crystals, a distillation of the windswept island and heather-fringed shore.

As the founders so eloquently stated, "We are proud of the business we have created and the leading part we have played in the revival of the traditional sea salt industry in Scotland. We have proven that it can be done and that a modern Scottish sea salt industry can be dynamic and successful. It’s a worthy legacy to leave behind."

Like them, we'll be putting all our heart into keeping the legacy of Skye and its waters alive.

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